
Visegrádi négyek nyilatkozata a fegyvertartásról

A V4 tagállamok Belügyminiszterei 2016. január 19.-i találkozójuk (Prága) alkalmával nyilatkozatot tettek a kontinens biztonságával kapcsolatban, ebben említve a polgári fegyvertartás kérdéskörét is, nem osztva az EU Bizottság irányvonalát ezen a téren:








Angol eredeti:


“The Ministers are fully aware of the need to fight actively against terrorism. As regards the regulation of the possession of firearms, it is necessary to focus the adopted measures primarily on illegal firearms, not legally-held firearms.


Illegal firearms represent a serious threat. Within the European Union, it is necessary to prevent infiltration of illegal firearms from the risk areas.


It should be taken into account that bans on possession of certain types of firearms that are not, in fact, abused for terrorist acts can lead to negative consequences, especially to a transition of these firearms into the illegal sphere. The V4 states have profound historical experience with such implications.


In cases such as collecting, hunting, sport or possession of firearms for defensive purposes, the possibility to lay down conditions for the handling of firearms must be left to, to reasonable extend, each Member State according to its needs.


European legislation in the field of firearms shall be harmonised, where necessary, and prepared with a consistent consideration of potential impacts.”