
CZ P10C hazai gyártásban?

CZ P10C Made in Hungary felirattal


A Colt CZ Group nemrégiben adott ki sajtóközleményt arról, hogy a Colt CZ Hungary néven futó, Kiskunfélegyházán működő üzemük gyártási kapacitását bővítik, miután a gyár a cseh cégcsoport többségi tulajdonába került.

Az alább angolul elolvasható – túl sok konkrétumot nem tartalmazó – sajtóanyagnál talán izgalmasabb azonban, hogy a hozzá csatolt képeken Made in Hungary feliratú CZ P10C (9 mm Luger, 15+1) műanyagtokos, strikeres elsütőszerkezetű pisztoly tűnt fel, holott ez a típus hivatalosan eddig nem volt sem gyártásban itthon, sem pedig rendszeresítve (csak a P-09 és P-07 pisztolyok).


The CZ Brand Expands Production Capacity with Colt CZ Hungary


Uhersky Brod, Czech Republic (15 July 2024)


Colt CZ Group is pleased to announce the continued global expansion of its small arms manufacturing network to include the Colt CZ Hungary facility, where the Group owns a majority share and fully controls all production activities.

This newly built, firearms manufacturing plant will provide additional manufacturing capacity to support the increasing worldwide demand for CZ’s commercial, military, and law enforcement products. All processes will be supervised by CZ Specialists, who are recognized around the world as experts in high-quality engineering and manufacturing.

This joint venture between Colt CZ Group and the government of Hungary that began in 2018 will not only continue to supply military grade CZ firearms to the Hungarian Armed Forces, but also serve to manufacture small arms for export globally. The investment and technology transfer from CZ in Uhersky Brod, Czechia includes state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, robotics, fully automated turning and milling centers, and advanced finishes. Global production will continue to provide the same high quality, dependability and exceptional shooting comfort modern-day militaries and shooting sports enthusiasts have found synonymous with the CZ brand.


CZ – Highly advanced firearms embodying almost 90 years of experience

Ceska zbrojovka a.s. (CZ) is a premier Czech manufacturer of innovative, precision-engineered small arms that are exported to more than 100 countries around the world. All CZ firearms are recognized around the globe for their exceptional shooting comfort and are designed to provide users with intuitive and natural handling.

Its factory in the Czech city of Uhersky Brod, founded in 1936, is ISO 9001 certified and utilizes the most advanced manufacturing equipment, technologies and processes, including the strict application of a quality management system that adheres to the most stringent global standards.

Ceska zbrojovka a.s. is one of the main pillars of the international Colt CZ Group SE.”