TOP6 szolgálati pisztoly – egy amerikai nézőpont
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World Army’s Service Pistols: Ranked
Also known as sidearm, handguns are first in the list of a diverse group of guns used by the military forces all over the world. A service pistol refers to any sidearm or pistol issued to law enforcement officers or military personnel. Also, these pistols may be issued as a backup to the primary weapons of Special Forces. Bayonets are a step below side-arms when it comes to prioritizing military equipment. The majority of countries issue these weapons to officers and Special Forces in small numbers.
Here’s the list of the top world army’s service pistols;
#1: SIG P320 (M17/M18)
The SIG P320 is one of the top side-arms adopted for military service in the United States Army. The announcement for the adoption was made at SHOT Show. Designated the M18 and M17, the P320 was adopted in 9mm, in a compact (M18) and full size (M17) variants. Both series come with red dot optics compatibility and are advanced for military side-arms.
For a long time, the M17 was adopted by the Marines, Navy, and Air force. Currently, the M17 is issued to the U.S. Army’s combat arms units first. Subsequently, the M17/18 would replace every M9 within 10 years.
Komment: Látatlanban le mertem fogadni, hogy egy amerikai szerzőnél csak a saját hazája aktuális (akármilyen is az) szolgálati pisztolya lehet az első a listán. Ennek ellenére az M17/M18 valóban nem rossz pisztoly, főképpen a modularitásban, kényelmesebb markolatban, és minden lövésnél azonos sütési erejében emelkedik magasan az elődmodell Beretta M92FS fölé. De a katonai M17/M18 javított konstrukció is a korai P320-asokhoz képest, hiszen leeséskor nem sülhet el magától.
#2: The Browning Hi-Power
The Browning Hi-Power is popular and long-lived in military service. Virtually all countries have used the Hi-Power for military purposes. Just a couple of years ago it was replaced with more modern designs. This military service weapon is among the initial high capacity 9mms introduced to regular service. The Hi-Power is a single-action-only sidearm and features a 13 round magazine and a manual safety. This beautiful gun is both reliable and robust.
It has been in existence for almost a century, yet it is still effective for war. There are only a few guns that have witnessed action on both sides of World War II. Many nations, including Germany and Britain, used the gun immensely during the war. This excellent weapon was the very last fitting design for John Browning. The Browning Hi-Power’s legacy of service worldwide is almost unbeatable. The gun is produced mostly in Europe. South American factories also build the Hi-Power. The countries that heavily use this firearm include South America, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. This legend among the small arms design comes in domestic production copies, while some are imported. Currently, the Hi-Power is the Commonwealth countries’ issued sidearm, especially in countries like Thailand, Australia, Canada, and India.
Komment: ha történelmileg nézzük valóban fontos volt az első sikeres kétsoros táras szolgálati pisztolyként a Browning GP/M1935/HP, de mára szinte mindenhol kivonták már a szolgálatból – a könnyebb, tartósabb műanyagtokosok vették át a helyét. Az öreg Browning sajnos nem volt tűzkészen viselhető, többségének használhatatlanul kicsi az irányzéka és a biztosítókarja is. A csőszakáll meg rendszeresen törik sajnos, és persze a múlt század közepi metallurgia és megmunkálási metódusok sem a végtelen élettartam biztosítékai. De mi is szeretjük, mert FÉG P9M…
#3: The Glock 17, 19, and 34
More than 20 nations adopted this pistol in military service. These countries include Finland, Austria, Sweden, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Montenegro, Mexico (Navy), Malaysia, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen, and India. It appears the weapon is in use all over the world. The barrel and grip length are just what differentiates the Glock 17,19, and 34.
Their reliable and rugged design makes these military service pistols legendary weapons. Though simple, these guns are superb and are always working efficiently. Also, the Glock combines logistics with supplies, as well as spare parts. The Gen 3 and Gen 4 models seem to be the most widely sought-after versions in the military market. Also, in countries where it appears Special Ops have the freedom of choosing a handgun, the Glock series seem to be the number one choice.
There are a couple of good reasons for the popularity of the Glock series worldwide. First, these guns are accurate. Also, they are highly reliable, cheap, easy to use, and light-weight.
Price is usually a big factor when guns are involved. Glocks are affordable and their quality is top-notch. When it comes to military side-arms, the Glock 17 is likely going to maintain its position as the number one choice for a long time.
Komment: kétségtelenül a 9 mm Luger kaliberű kétsoros táras Glockoknak kellett volna az első helyre kerülni ezen a listán. Az eleinte csodálkozva nézett ronda osztrák pisztolyok már a 21. század elejére a szolgálati pisztolyok terén a legelterjedtebb, legnagyobb számban eladott, abszolút viszonyítási pontnak számítottak. A faék egyszerűség, elpusztíthatatlanság, olcsó alkatrész, kiegészítőipar mind ezt erősíti. A valódi fejlesztések lassúsága (teljes kétkezességre a Gen5-ig Kellett várni!) és a cég konzervatív volta persze nem mindenkinek szimpatikus.
#4: The HK U.S.P
Spain, Greece, Ireland, and Germany are top in the list of nations that adopted the HK U.S.P in military service. This gun is among the favorite DA/SA weapons. Also known as a universal self-loading handgun, the U.S.P is the premier handgun design by Heckler and Koch. Indeed, this gun is fascinating and among the initial guns constructed around the 40 S&W. Also, the gun was later chambered in 45 A.C.P, after the .357 SIG.
The U.S.P distinguished itself from other guns with polymer frame – the distinguishing feature is the mechanical recoil reduction system. The weapon was built as a service pistol from the onset. The existence of this gun is linked to the Offensive Handgun Weapon System.
Komment: az USP mára teljesen elavult konstukció, hiszen azóta maga a HK is 3 újabb termékgenerációt (P2000/HK45, P30, VP9/SFP9) hozott ki szolgálati pisztolyból. Az USP markolata csak nagyobb kezűeknek kényelmes, nem moduláris, szereléksínje nem szabványos, sütése DA/SA és nem különösképpen jó. Nagy előnye persze, hogy masszív, tartós fegyver, a németek sem sietnek a leváltásával – ellenben rendvédelmi célra már régen az újabb generációkat veszik a Landespolizei-ok.
#5: Beretta 92FS
Beretta, an Italian firm, is the world’s oldest in-operation arms company. Beretta 92FS is among the most legendary handguns by Beretta. This gun is adopted in Italian military service and this doesn’t come as a surprise. For over three decades, this particular handgun has been a police and military sidearm in many countries and they are excellent performers.
The 92FS is DA/SA design and features unmatched stock factory triggers. It combines excellent ergonomic and de-cocker with safety. Also, the weapon is well-proven, reliable, and robust. This weapon’s reliability gets even better with the open side design and the direct feed system. Several testing carried out by Beretta and the U.S. Army have proved that this firearm is highly reliable. It can absorb intense use for a long time.
Other desirable features of this sidearm include very low recoil. It’s an all-metal frame gun and suitable for both experts and new recruits’ shorts. It is the standard service pistol in Italy and it does look like it will be phased out sooner.
Komment: az 1970-es években jó volt, de már az 1990-es évek végére elavult. Nagy, nehéz, vaskos markolatú, a DA/SA sütés miatt a hölgyeknek szinte használhatatlan, kiképzés rá nehézkes. A sivatagi homokot Irakban elég rosszul bírta (főként az utángyártott tárak okán), nem véletlen, hogy az USA hadereje éppen lecseréli.
#6: M.A.C Mle 50 and PAMAS GI
These two guns are in use by the French military. These guns are old designs – this is not a surprise since the French military appears to get little attention from its government. The M.A.C. Mle 50 is domestically designed, while the PAMAS GI is built in France as a licensed clone of Beretta 92F. As of March 2019, there was a plan to replace these two pistols but it appeared the plan hasn’t pushed through yet.
Komment: Na, ezt ide végképp nem értem. Mert ugye ez egy rémesen két világháború közti színvonalú, rendszeresítésekor is már elavult csak single action, kis tárkapacitású, nehéz, acéltokos pisztoly, borzalmas ergonómiával (Mle 50), és egy Beretta M92F licenc-másolat, lásd fentebb a kritikákat.
Hiányzik nekem ebből a meghatározó szolgálati pisztoly felsorolásból: Makarov, Walther P38/P1, Colt M1911, CZ75 így történelmileg. Vagy a modernek közül például az S&W MP vagy a Walther P99/PPQ vonal. De én nem is amerikai szemszögből nézem a világot!
Jay Chambers/kommentek: Vass Gábor